Friday, September 27, 2013

Do girls dress certain ways because of love interests?

Well, I can’t answer that only because not all girls are the same. Everyone dresses differently to their unique style. Although most girls do not dress certain ways to impress people. Boys, especially, don’t know what’s going on in our heads (good job girls). It’s because we are all different.

  Some girls dress certain ways to make someone like them or the opposite. Some girls dress noticeably on purpose so they'll be noticed and lots of girls just don’t care.

   You will hear lots of people say stuff like “dress in what makes you feel good” or “appearance isn’t important”. When you read this you are probably thinking “why do people say that?”

  “Dressing in what makes you feel good!” It’s good to choose your own clothes but what does this saying really mean? Well, it means that you need to choose clothing that makes you feel comfortable. For all those girls who are crazy about impressing boys or other girls: give it a rest for a second and think about the clothes you like, not the clothes anyone else likes. For some of you, your answers will be the same for others you may come up with something different or even not be able to come up with something at all.

 “Appearance isn’t important!” Personally I completely OBJECT! I think appearance is incredibly important. You need to look presentable. Appearance may not matter as much as what is in the inside but it matters. Some people may go too far with their appearance but caring about how you look isn’t harmful. Think of how you look in a positive way and you will have a good feeling about yourself.
  Ok, girls, now what do you think about the boys? Do you care what they wear? Do you think they care about what you wear? I hate to say this but some boys (but fewer girls) do care what you wear and how you present yourself. Now when I say this don’t go overboard. You need to present yourself beautifully wherever you go. Take it with the basics, stay clean and healthy, dress nicely in what makes you feel good, and take a bit of extra time to do hair. This will make you look good wherever you go.


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