Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Scorpio's Birthday List

Remember the similar post done by Virgo last year? My birthday's actually not long after hers but I never got the opportunity to make one of my own so here it is for this year. For the blog, this is mostly fashion-related stuff (with a tiny misc section) so it's not my full list. NOTE: I don't expect to get any of this, it's just nice to jot down your wishlist. Try it sometime!

  • A new leather jacket, my current one is huge on me and the lining is ripped.
  • These jackets (I found them while looking for good trenchcoat examples and now I'm in love)
  • A puffy vest to wear with long-sleeved shirts in the fall and spring
  • A trenchcoat (à la Columbo or Castiel)/dress-length jacket (jackets are my weakness, I might do a post on them soon)
  • Dark blue and black skinny jeans; the ones I have are fading quickly because I forgot to turn them inside out to wash.
  • Half of the content of Modcloth, mainly these four gorgeous designs
  • This
  • Black gladiator sandals, the strappier the better.
  • Black leather lace-up boots
  • A small black (seriously, it goes with everything) crossbody bag for dates and nice occasions
  • Craploads of rings and ear cuffs
  • One of these (preferably the first but it costs more). Seriously please.
  • A few psychology books, one or two covering the whole topic for general use and the rest on more specific topics
  • A notebook laptop or convertible tablet, preferably one of these tablets with one of these skins and this bag (seriously even alone the bag would make me so happy).
  • 6 fish, to be named Mercury, John, Wonder, Charles, Joel and Tiersen.
  • Either this or this longboard deck (I broke mine a year and a half ago but never bothered to replace it)


Friday, October 4, 2013

Braid series 8: How to do a round (3D) braid

The finished product
This takes some time to get the hang of, but the results are worth it. There are two methods. Read their descriptions and see which one is better for you.

Method 1. This is easier to explain but takes some time to get the hang of.

  1. Brush hair and split it into equal sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  2. Bring strand 1 under strands 2 and 3, and back around so it rests again between strands 2 and 3.
  3. Bring strand 4 under strand 3 and the former strand 1, and back up and over strand 1 again, so it rests between strands 3 and 1.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps to the end and tie off.
Method 2. This looks tough but is in fact very simple. The explanation may confuse you.

    1. Brush hair and split it into equal sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, from left to right. This is very important.
    2. Take sections 2 and 4 and pull them over strand 3 and to the right, twisting them right as you go. The order should now be 1, 3, 4, 2.
    3. Now twist sections 1 and 3 to the right so the order is now 3, 1, 4, 2.
    4. Rename the sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.
    5.  Now take the new strands 1 and 3 and pull them over strand 2 and to the left, twisting them left around each other as you go. The order should now be 3, 1, 2, 4.
    6. Now twist sections 2 and 4 to the left so the order becomes 3, 1, 4, 2.
    7. Rename the sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.
    8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to the end. Remember: The two strands that seem to be below the others are the strands you have to twist over next.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Braid series 7: How to do a flat four-strand braid

    The finished product
    There are two ways of doing this style, and I'll cover them both here.

    Method 1. This is slightly easier and to be used if you plan on making it French.

    1. Divide hair into four even sections, making sure all of your hair is in one of the bunches. We'll call them, from left to right, strands 1 to 4.
    2. Cross strand 1 over strand 2 and under strand 3.
    3. Cross strand 4 under the former strand 1 and over strand 3.
    4. Continue this, alternating sides and making sure that one side is strictly under-over and the other is strictly over-under, to the end and tie off.
    Method 2. If you want a side French braid, this is best because hair can be added only on one side.

      1. Divide hair into four even sections, making sure all of your hair is in one of the bunches. We'll call them, from left to right, strands 1 to 4.
      2. Cross strand 1 over strand 2, under strand 3 and over strand 4.
      3. Cross strand 2 over strand 3, under strand 4 and over strand 1.
      4. Continue this left-to-right pattern to the end and tie off.

      Wednesday, October 2, 2013

      Braid series 6: How to do a five-strand braid

      The finished product
      This one looks hard enough but is actually unbelievably easy as long as you have enough fingers. If not, you might manage if you're careful or you can just get someone else to do it for you.

      1. Brush your hair and separate it into five approximately equal-sized sections at the back of your head, keeping each section between your fingers as is comfortable.
      2. Cross the rightmost strand (I always start with right, do what seems easiest) over the second-rightmost and under the middle. Hold all of the strands tightly in this position.
      3. Now cross the leftmost strand over the second-to-left and under the new middle, formerly the right strand.
      4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, keeping the braid tight, to the end and tie off.

      Tuesday, October 1, 2013

      Braid Series 5: How to do a rope braid

      The finished product
      This braid is not usually used the way it is in the picture, better as an adornment or a method of half-up style, the way I'll be teaching it, but you can do your hair like the picture if you so desire.
      1. Take a section of hair and split it into two pieces. Put the rest of your hair in a ponytail so it doesn't pull and add to the braid. Split the hair in two halves.
      2. Take one half of the section and twist it, turning it over and over until you're at the end of the hair and the whole thing is one tight twist. Pin this down, get someone to hold it, or grip it in your teeth 
      3. Twist the other half in the same direction until it has about the same amount of twist.
      4. Take the other half and hold the two tightly together, making sure they're pointed in the direction you want them to go. Tie them together with an elastic.
      5. Let go and pull on the ends slightly as they twist together to make it more uniform. Make sure to carefully sweep your hand under the braid to remove any stray hairs that might cling onto it as it twists.

      Monday, September 30, 2013

      Braid Series 4: How to do a fishtail braid

      The finished product
      This is probably my favourite braid overall; it takes some time to make but is rather fun (if that makes sense) and the finished product is beautiful. You can wear just one at the back of your head or make two adorable pigtails over your shoulders. This is only the most basic way to make one; experiment as you please.
      1. Brush your hair and split it in half, pulling a part over each shoulder.
      2. Take a tiny piece from the outside of the right strand and cross it over, adding it to the inside-bottom of the left section.
      3. Holding the left section together, new strand included, take a new small piece from the outside and add it to the inside of the right piece.
      4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to the end and tie off.
      WARNING! Do not bring the braid over your shoulder to finish too early, and be extremely careful when you do. If you ignore this, the braid will become warped on the opposite side.

      Other than that, enjoy!

      Saturday, September 28, 2013

      Braid Series 3: How to do a dutch braid

      The finished product
      My third braid is extremely similar to the French braid; one could even say it's just an upside down version (it is). This is just a quick know-how on how to do this beautiful 3D braid.
      1. Gather three small sections of hair at the top of your hairline and get in position to do a normal braid.
      2. Instead of your usual right-over-middle, left-over-middle routine, cross the right strand under the center and cross the left strand under the new center.
      3. Add a small piece of hair to the new right strand before crossing it under this time, and do the same for the left.
      4. Repeat step 3 until you have no more hair to add, then finish the upside-down braid, pulling it over your shoulder to make it easier when it gets long enough. Remember: you're crossing the strands under, not over.
      5. When you're done, secure with an elastic and wrap a small piece of hair around to hide it.



      Friday, September 27, 2013

      Braid Series 2: How to do a french braid

      The finished product
      Braid 2 in my series is the classic French braid. It can look a bit daunting but is extremely easy to do if you practice the technique enough.
      1. Gather three small sections of hair at the top of your hairline and start braiding it back with only a couple crossovers, then stop there.
      2. Before crossing the next strand over the middle, add a small section of hair to it and smooth it out, then cross it over the center.
      3. Add another small section of hair to the next strand and cross it over the new middle, keeping the previously crossed strand tight.
      4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, adding another small strand every time you add another section to your braid until you run out of hair.
      5. Once all of your hair has been added to the braid, simply continue braiding down and tie it off at the end.


      Do girls dress certain ways because of love interests?

      Well, I can’t answer that only because not all girls are the same. Everyone dresses differently to their unique style. Although most girls do not dress certain ways to impress people. Boys, especially, don’t know what’s going on in our heads (good job girls). It’s because we are all different.

        Some girls dress certain ways to make someone like them or the opposite. Some girls dress noticeably on purpose so they'll be noticed and lots of girls just don’t care.

         You will hear lots of people say stuff like “dress in what makes you feel good” or “appearance isn’t important”. When you read this you are probably thinking “why do people say that?”

        “Dressing in what makes you feel good!” It’s good to choose your own clothes but what does this saying really mean? Well, it means that you need to choose clothing that makes you feel comfortable. For all those girls who are crazy about impressing boys or other girls: give it a rest for a second and think about the clothes you like, not the clothes anyone else likes. For some of you, your answers will be the same for others you may come up with something different or even not be able to come up with something at all.

       “Appearance isn’t important!” Personally I completely OBJECT! I think appearance is incredibly important. You need to look presentable. Appearance may not matter as much as what is in the inside but it matters. Some people may go too far with their appearance but caring about how you look isn’t harmful. Think of how you look in a positive way and you will have a good feeling about yourself.
        Ok, girls, now what do you think about the boys? Do you care what they wear? Do you think they care about what you wear? I hate to say this but some boys (but fewer girls) do care what you wear and how you present yourself. Now when I say this don’t go overboard. You need to present yourself beautifully wherever you go. Take it with the basics, stay clean and healthy, dress nicely in what makes you feel good, and take a bit of extra time to do hair. This will make you look good wherever you go.


      Thursday, September 26, 2013

      Braid series 1: How to do a normal braid

      The finished product
      All right, I know how easy it is to do and how you probably know how to already, but seeing as it's the base for our future braids I'll just go over the steps.
      1. Gather all of your hair into one area at the nape of your neck, or however high you want it to be. You can secure it with a hairtie, but I prefer not to. It's mainly recommended for anyone with lots of layers.
      2. Separate the hair into three sections. I recommend keeping one section between the thumb and index fingers of each hand, and the other lying between the hands.
      3. Cross the rightmost strand over the center one and pull tight, rearranging the three strands back into the original position. The former right strand is now the center strand.
      4. Do the same with the left strand and rearrange the strands again.
      5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to the end of your hair, and tie the braid off with a hairtie. If you have enough you can pull a small strand of hair out of the tie and wrap it around the elastic, pinning in place.


      Wednesday, September 25, 2013

      Approaching the Colourful Side of Fall (with Nina Dobrev)

      We are welcoming in the fall (and season 5 of the Vampire Diaries). I've always been on more of the darker side during the fall with the colours I choose to incorporate into my outfits. Nina's beautiful style has put a colourful edge into my fall. The 3 key pieces of Nina's outfit that I'm incorporating into my fall wardrobe really stand out in a slightly more colourful way.
      Lets start with the most eye-catching piece, the scarf. Colourful scarves give a nice pop and are perfect for fall. If you guys are looking to add in a colourful scarf to your fall wardrobe then I, as usual, recommend checking out American Eagle. They have recently been stocking up on these gorgeous colourful scarves. (I'll link their website below).
      Next key piece is Nina's adorable light wash jean jacket. I actually have a jean jacket that I love to wear in the spring but am bringing it into the fall this year. Jean jackets bring some texture into the outfit which is always great to have.
      Lastly, Nina's nude flats keep the outfit light and breezy and very much complement the jacket and scarf. Ballet flats are not the best for a lot of walking though which is a downside but if your planning to run a lot of errands, throwing on some sneakers never hurt.


      American Eagle:

      Tuesday, September 24, 2013

      Braid series

      Over the next while I plan on posting a series about different kinds of braids and how to make them, and, more importantly, different hairstyles that can be made out of them. This will be in part to aid in the making of my soon-to-be-made Game of Thrones hair tutorials, and will start with the easiest and go to the hardest. I'll start the moment I can find the time to do so.


      Monday, September 23, 2013

      Bumble and bumble (Surf Foam Wash Shampoo Review)

      I recently tried Bumble and bumble's surf foam wash shampoo and it's amazing. I have curly/wavy hair and it worked perfectly on my texture. Literally, just after I washed and dried it I looked like I had just come from the beach. While amazing, this shampoo is rather expensive . It costs between $25 and $30 with tax which is a lot considering the size of the bottle. The shampoo also smells amazing. I actually went to the mall a while ago and found a perfume that smells a lot like this shampoo. It smells like a beach and has a fresh touch to it. It's very hard to explain but I do really like the smell and 2 days later I can still smell it in my hair. Overall I really liked this product because it makes my hair bouncy and very soft. I would definitely suggest this to anyone with curly hair.


      Sunday, September 22, 2013

      Fitness Tips from Nina Dobrev

      Looking on Youtube I found another awesome video. Nina Dobrev gives some amazing tips on being active. Yoga is totally awesome.

                                                Great Tips from Nina on her Seventeen Magazine
      photo shoot.

      Copying Sarah Hyland's Casual Beach Outfit

      I really like Sarah Hyland's beach look, especially the burnout top that she's wearing. Burnout tops are really light weight and the fabric tends to be really thin. If you've never owned a burn out top they are a little see through so it's a good idea to have a bandeau or tank top under but what I really LOVE about these tops is that they are not really hot because the wind passes through the material so they're fine to wear during the summer.

      Of course Sarah Hyland has beautiful beach waves. I really love beach waves and how easy they are to make, except it's not good for your hair to get sea salt spray because it dries up your hair. What I recently learned was you can get the same kind of effect if after you take a shower you apply some leave in conditioner and then braid or bun your hair and if you want it to stay longer hairspray the braids. In the morning you take out the braid and voila: non dehydrated beach waves.

      I love the light wash denim shorts (they're essential for the summer). The shorts are plain which is great because you can wear a lot with them. You can also add some edge by wearing distressed or studded shorts.

      Lastly the crossbody purse is great if you're just carrying the essentials (e.g.. lip balm,phone,wallet,) but you don't want to hold a clutch all day. It's always good to have one handy, and if you have more stuff a beach bag or tote is perfect. If you're thinking of buying a bag like these I suggest getting a neutral colour so you can throw it on with almost whatever you're wearing. 


      Saturday, September 21, 2013

      Mindless Ramblings of Scorpio

      So my sister has a hockey game, my brother has a gig and my parents are out with them, meaning I'm home alone and free to watch one of my new favourite shows: HBO's hit series Game of Thrones, based on George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels. If you've ever watched it you've probably noticed how absolutely amazing all of the ladies' hair styles are, and if you haven't I'll add some pictures.

      I've decided that, over the next few weeks, I just might grab Virgo and Taurus as models/cameragirls and recreate some of my favourite styles from the series,

      from Arya Stark's braided half-bun
      to Daenerys Targaryen's gorgeous Khaleesi braids
      to Margaery Tyerll's ponytail-type-thing
      to Cersei Lannister's twisted-half-updo (that bitch)
      to Sansa Stark's tournament 'do
      to the braided bun made popular by Melisandre (that witch)

      ...and some other hairstyles such as Catelyn, Ygritte and maybe even a couple of Dothraki men's styles. Are there any others you wish to see from this or anything else? Let me know with a comment.


      Sunday, September 15, 2013

      Bringing in the Fall Trends (with Lily Collins's Amazing Fashion Sense)

      Fall is here and, as usual, it's bringing along some cold weather, but with fall also come Thanksgiving, Halloween, and this year's awesome fall trends. Everyone is starting to break out their fall jackets, sweaters, and jeans, and of course some girls are quite reluctant to trade their shorts in for jeans. Black is definitely a colour that seems to be appearing a lot as usual as the lighter, summery colours and fabrics make way for the neutral and autumnal tones of fall. In the picture below, Lily Collins has managed to combine 5 of my favorite fall trends into one flawless outfit.
      I'll start with Lily's hair. It looks as if she's created a doughnut/sock bun. If you not familiar with a hair doughnut, it is a mesh hair accessory resembling a doughnut. You make a high ponytail and stick it through the hole in the donut, wrap it down and towards your head to secure it, creating a perfect bun every time. This buns look so sophisticated for the fall and make your outfit look very put together. Hair donuts keep the form extremely well, but if you don't want to waste your money on one you can just snip the foot off a long sock and bunch it up to create the same effect.
      Moving on to the sweater. Loose turtleneck sweaters keep your neck cozy during the fall but are not so constricting that it makes you itchy. A good turtleneck can be a hard find: you want to go with something relatively thick but soft and not very woolly (because that might make you itchy over a long period of time, depending on the sensitivity of your skin). When looking for fall turtleneck sweaters I suggest going for dark and warm colours like earth tones and black (like Lily's).
      Lily's coat puts together the whole outfit. Long coats are beautiful for the fall but it's the touch of leather on Lily's coat that really catches my eye. It doesn't make the outfit punkish but if anything brings a slight edge that makes the entire outfit seem more sophisticated. It definitely brings the whole outfit together. It looks great to have small hints of leather in your outfit without overdoing it.
      Going on to the tall boots which unfortunately didn't really get into the picture I found. If you have been reading the blog than you know I (Virgo) love the look of tall boots over skinny jeans. This trend looks especially pretty in the fall just before the snow shows up, and you can splurge some extra cash on tall waterproof or snow boots.
      Lastly, dark nail polishes like Lily's black or magenta are very beautiful in the fall. This is my opinion and I'm sure some people will disagree but I just adore dark nail polishes in the fall. Side note: I'm not sure if you guys like bright red nail polish but it looks amazing in the winter against the snow❄.

      Lily Collins

      Saturday, August 3, 2013

      Back to School Series: Amazing First Day of School Outfit Ideas

      I got the Aeropostale Fall Style Guide in the mail today and it's amazing! They have so many beautiful (first day of school worthy) outfits. Aeropostale is a great place to check out when you're doing your back to school shopping. Their products for back to school are cute, good quality and decently priced. You can check out their website for more outfit ideas. Items like leather jackets, crochet, scarves and white bags are really making an appearance this fall. Make sure to leave a comment below on your opinion of their Fall Style Guide. Good luck on our back to school shopping, and as always the links are below.  

               Beautiful Revolution - Aéropostale®With the Band - Aéropostale®Boy Meets Girl - Aéropostale®


      Tuesday, July 30, 2013

      What are Complementary Colours?

      Complementary colours can be really tricky sometimes. Personally, I think every girl should be aware of the colour wheel but you don't have to wear, for example, yellow and violet together. These are just guidelines and you can pick what your eye is attracted to based on them. So basically the colour wheel is good to keep in the back of your head.
      Complementary colours are basically colours that look good together (aka. complement each other). To get to know which colours complement each other, it's helpful to use a colour wheel. As illustrated on the amazing colour wheel that I found below. The colour across from the colour you pick is the colour that most complements it. I'm not kidding when I say that this definitely helps with the process of creating your outfit.
      It's a really great idea to print a colour wheel and maybe post it up on the inside of your door, wardrobe or closet just to have it as a reference. It's little things like this that make fashion easier.


      Saturday, July 27, 2013

      What to wear shopping

      No matter when your birthday is or if you do or don't have a summer job, you probably have some extra money floating around, and want to treat yourself to a shopping trip. But shopping isn't just about what you're buying, it can be about what you're wearing to get the most comvenience out of your trip.

      • Although it may not feel like you're wearing much, sometimes it's best to throw on a plain tank or spaghetti strap top. It's just easier for trying on large sweatshirts, jackets, button-downs and the like. Put a flannel or cardigan over it so you don't look too bare. Plain colours like white and nude are your best options, although if you prefer leopard-print or neon pink zebra stripes, go to town: it's completely up to you.
      • Your second shopping staple is a pair of pants or shorts that can be worn easily when trying on shoes. Leggings  and jeggings are perfect, as well as skinnies that don't go past your ankles. The ideal type does depend on what kind of shoes you're aiming for, but these are pretty much good for anything. Shorts/skirt-wise, you're pretty much good with anything as long as you can imagine them with whatever you plan on buying, so you're co-ordinated while trying on shirts.
      • For the shoes that you do wear shopping, your best bet is anything you can take off easily, whether you're trying on shoes or a new pair of jeans. Sandals, slip-on sneakers, flats (although not great for walking) and Uggs are perfect. I personally have a pair of calf-length leather boots that zip up on the inside and are still snug over slim-legged pants.
      • You have two options for bags: you can either carry a small purse for your wallet and phone and accumulate bags as you go, or simply use a larger crossbody, tote or backpack if you don't plan on buying much.
      • I personally do not recommend wearing a dress if only for the fact that it's much easier to try on separate pieces if you are already wearing separate pieces.
      Thank you for reading, and as always I hope this helps.


      Friday, July 26, 2013


      I've really been loving bows at the moment which is kind of funny because they were really popular and now they're dying down and for some reason out of nowhere I started wearing them more often then usual. The great thing about bows is that they make your outfit look instantly girly and they give a childish vibe. I'm really liking floral print bows lately. I've gotten most of my bows from the Ardene (a mostly Canadian clothing and accessory store) but I recently found out how to make my own bows on Macbarbie07's YouTube channel which I'm super excited about (I will have a link for it below). So if any of you guys have been loving bows recently then make sure to leave a comment down below. I'll be putting up 2 more posts on bows "Ways to wear bows" and "Where to look for the perfect bow" because it's too much to fit in one big post. So keep an eye out! As always the links are below.


      Macbarbie07's Hair bow DIY video:

      Friday, July 19, 2013

      Embracing your Beach Waves!

      It's summer and I'm spending a lot of time by the water. Natural beach waves are the best because they're already given and you don't have to put any product in your hair. For those who don't live by the beach getting beach curls will require some product. Here are 2 great ways to get these beautiful beach waves.
      1. If you are in a rush then a great way to get beach waves is to use a sea salt texturing spray. After you take a shower you just spray your hair and scrunch it with your fingers. They waves look very natural except sea salt sprays are not very good for your hair because they dry it out and can make your hair very brittle.
      2. This way is better for your hair but it takes earlier planning because you must leave it overnight. After you take a shower when your hair is damp you can brush it out and put it in a side braid. It's a good idea to hairspray your braid if you want tighter waves. In the morning you take out the braid and brush it through and then hairspray again when your happy with the shape. The hairspray is optional but without it your waves won't hold as long. 

      If you try out the beach waves leave a comment below to tell us how it worked out. Also if you have a favorite texture spray or a favorite way to achieve beach waves then contact us because we'd love to hear how you guys get your beach waves.


      Thursday, July 18, 2013

      DIY Mango Hair Mask

      I decided I need to do a mask on my hair because I'm taking a sailing course and it's making my hair super dry and frizzy. If you're not familiar with missglamorazzi she is one of my favorite beauty gurus. She just came out with a new video on how to make your own mango hair mask. I haven't tried it yet but I'm really excited to try it as soon as I get all the ingredients. I will let you guys know what I think about the mask after I try it and if you guys try it make sure to leave a comment below. If you like this video then you can subscribe to missglamorazzi's beauty channel because it's great! Enjoy the video! Links, as always, are below.


      Missglamorazzi's YouTube channel:
      Have an awesome Thursday!

      Wednesday, July 17, 2013

      Sailor Stripes From ModCloth!

      I started a sailing course yesterday and it is so much fun! I jumped off the boat a bazillion times and we got to swim at the end of the day. So I had some inspiration (you can say) to do a post on sailing stripes. I don't think this is currently trending but the style is classic and classics never go out of style. I actually found everything from ModCloth, an awesome fashion line. I'm not planning of wearing stripes when we are sailing but these are cute everyday summer outfit pieces. I love the stripes and anchors. The whole concept is really cute! The link for the website is below (like always). Enjoy!

                         Luxury Craft Dress    Sailor Squad Shorts in Navy My Seafaring Lady Earrings  

       From Pier to Eternity Bag  A Starboard is Born DressMarina on My Mind Shorts

      Saturday, July 13, 2013

      Swimming Athletic and Cute!

      I'm in love with the current Lululemon swimwear collection. These swimsuits are stylish but enable you to actually swim without feeling as if your swimsuit is going to untie itself. It's completely practical which is such a relief because I'm taking a sailing course (which means a lot of tipping over) and I need a good comfortable swimsuit that I can trust. Moving on, the designs are very pretty. This summer I especially adore the colour blocking. Overall I think these swimsuits are perfect for those athletic people who still want to look stylish. As always the links are below so make sure to check it out!

                     Beach Break Sport TopBoard Balance Rash GuardBoard Balance Rash Guard   
                     Coastal Om Bikini BottomBeach Break Triangle TopBeach Break Triangle Top

      Thursday, July 11, 2013

      Think Pink Outfit Idea

      I really love light pink, nude, and blues. This is a super girly outfit that kind of reminds me of Mean Girls, except without all the drama. I think this outfit is great for those girls who have an upcoming celebration,big event, or date. I was checking out the Seventeen website a little while ago and a found out the have a whole section devoted to how to do different hair styles. The nail polish below is from the company Butter London which, if you haven't tried it already, is awesome. The nail polishes come in such nice colours and they stay on for at least a week. They are more on the pricey side but completely worth it. I hope you like my little outfit inspiration post and I'll have the links for all the stores' websites below.

      Seventeen Magazine Website:

      Wednesday, July 10, 2013

      Macbarbie DIY Lace Trim Shorts Video

      OMG this video is amazing. I finally know how to make awesome lace trimmed denim shorts and they're so cute. I found this video very useful and I simply had to share it with all of you guys. Enjoy!!! 


      Monday, July 8, 2013

      Leather Skirts

      OK! I don't know what's up but I'm loving leather jackets and now skirts? Wow! Lucy Hale has been wearing a lot of leather skirts and they're super cute. Leather skirts are cute for a late night out or a date. It's a flirty way to look tough (or a tough way to look flirty)! If you put on your confident walk and wear even a bit of leather it definitely makes you look independent. Pumps and red lipstick will make you look mysterious if your on a date and defining your eyebrows with a eyebrow pencil really finishes everything off. This is a great piece for a date when you want to look edgy.


      Sunday, July 7, 2013

      My Favourite Fashion Blog!

      All right, guys, we have to get serious! Daniela Ramirez is by far my favorite fashion blogger ever! She is a genius when it comes to fashion (honestly). Her blog is called Nany's Klozet and I check it almost everyday. That's how awesome the blog is; she is definitely one of my fashion inspirations. I suggest checking out her blog if you have time. As always links are below:

      Nany's Klozet