Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Scorpio's Birthday List

Remember the similar post done by Virgo last year? My birthday's actually not long after hers but I never got the opportunity to make one of my own so here it is for this year. For the blog, this is mostly fashion-related stuff (with a tiny misc section) so it's not my full list. NOTE: I don't expect to get any of this, it's just nice to jot down your wishlist. Try it sometime!

  • A new leather jacket, my current one is huge on me and the lining is ripped.
  • These jackets (I found them while looking for good trenchcoat examples and now I'm in love)
  • A puffy vest to wear with long-sleeved shirts in the fall and spring
  • A trenchcoat (à la Columbo or Castiel)/dress-length jacket (jackets are my weakness, I might do a post on them soon)
  • Dark blue and black skinny jeans; the ones I have are fading quickly because I forgot to turn them inside out to wash.
  • Half of the content of Modcloth, mainly these four gorgeous designs
  • This
  • Black gladiator sandals, the strappier the better.
  • Black leather lace-up boots
  • A small black (seriously, it goes with everything) crossbody bag for dates and nice occasions
  • Craploads of rings and ear cuffs
  • One of these (preferably the first but it costs more). Seriously please.
  • A few psychology books, one or two covering the whole topic for general use and the rest on more specific topics
  • A notebook laptop or convertible tablet, preferably one of these tablets with one of these skins and this bag (seriously even alone the bag would make me so happy).
  • 6 fish, to be named Mercury, John, Wonder, Charles, Joel and Tiersen.
  • Either this or this longboard deck (I broke mine a year and a half ago but never bothered to replace it)


Friday, October 4, 2013

Braid series 8: How to do a round (3D) braid

The finished product
This takes some time to get the hang of, but the results are worth it. There are two methods. Read their descriptions and see which one is better for you.

Method 1. This is easier to explain but takes some time to get the hang of.

  1. Brush hair and split it into equal sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  2. Bring strand 1 under strands 2 and 3, and back around so it rests again between strands 2 and 3.
  3. Bring strand 4 under strand 3 and the former strand 1, and back up and over strand 1 again, so it rests between strands 3 and 1.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps to the end and tie off.
Method 2. This looks tough but is in fact very simple. The explanation may confuse you.

    1. Brush hair and split it into equal sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, from left to right. This is very important.
    2. Take sections 2 and 4 and pull them over strand 3 and to the right, twisting them right as you go. The order should now be 1, 3, 4, 2.
    3. Now twist sections 1 and 3 to the right so the order is now 3, 1, 4, 2.
    4. Rename the sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.
    5.  Now take the new strands 1 and 3 and pull them over strand 2 and to the left, twisting them left around each other as you go. The order should now be 3, 1, 2, 4.
    6. Now twist sections 2 and 4 to the left so the order becomes 3, 1, 4, 2.
    7. Rename the sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.
    8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to the end. Remember: The two strands that seem to be below the others are the strands you have to twist over next.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Braid series 7: How to do a flat four-strand braid

    The finished product
    There are two ways of doing this style, and I'll cover them both here.

    Method 1. This is slightly easier and to be used if you plan on making it French.

    1. Divide hair into four even sections, making sure all of your hair is in one of the bunches. We'll call them, from left to right, strands 1 to 4.
    2. Cross strand 1 over strand 2 and under strand 3.
    3. Cross strand 4 under the former strand 1 and over strand 3.
    4. Continue this, alternating sides and making sure that one side is strictly under-over and the other is strictly over-under, to the end and tie off.
    Method 2. If you want a side French braid, this is best because hair can be added only on one side.

      1. Divide hair into four even sections, making sure all of your hair is in one of the bunches. We'll call them, from left to right, strands 1 to 4.
      2. Cross strand 1 over strand 2, under strand 3 and over strand 4.
      3. Cross strand 2 over strand 3, under strand 4 and over strand 1.
      4. Continue this left-to-right pattern to the end and tie off.

      Wednesday, October 2, 2013

      Braid series 6: How to do a five-strand braid

      The finished product
      This one looks hard enough but is actually unbelievably easy as long as you have enough fingers. If not, you might manage if you're careful or you can just get someone else to do it for you.

      1. Brush your hair and separate it into five approximately equal-sized sections at the back of your head, keeping each section between your fingers as is comfortable.
      2. Cross the rightmost strand (I always start with right, do what seems easiest) over the second-rightmost and under the middle. Hold all of the strands tightly in this position.
      3. Now cross the leftmost strand over the second-to-left and under the new middle, formerly the right strand.
      4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, keeping the braid tight, to the end and tie off.

      Tuesday, October 1, 2013

      Braid Series 5: How to do a rope braid

      The finished product
      This braid is not usually used the way it is in the picture, better as an adornment or a method of half-up style, the way I'll be teaching it, but you can do your hair like the picture if you so desire.
      1. Take a section of hair and split it into two pieces. Put the rest of your hair in a ponytail so it doesn't pull and add to the braid. Split the hair in two halves.
      2. Take one half of the section and twist it, turning it over and over until you're at the end of the hair and the whole thing is one tight twist. Pin this down, get someone to hold it, or grip it in your teeth 
      3. Twist the other half in the same direction until it has about the same amount of twist.
      4. Take the other half and hold the two tightly together, making sure they're pointed in the direction you want them to go. Tie them together with an elastic.
      5. Let go and pull on the ends slightly as they twist together to make it more uniform. Make sure to carefully sweep your hand under the braid to remove any stray hairs that might cling onto it as it twists.