Friday, August 26, 2011

What's your best colour?

You probably have a favourite colour, but do you know your BEST colour? A person's best colour is, simply, the colour they look best in.
Best colours vary from the person's hair length and colour, to their eye colour, even to their stature and personality. Here are a few common best colours, and some hair styling tips for different people. These vary from person to person, but this is the most general.

Blondes tend to look best in green (like me), rich purple, brown or shades of blue.
Your hair tends to look best in waves or loose curls. You can attain this by using a curler or roller, but I find it easiest done (weird as it may seem) with a hair straightener. Just clamp it at the top of the section of hair you want curled, and move it down slowly, twisting around and around as you go. Twist different sections in different directions for a more tousled look. If you want it off your neck in summer, try a simple bun, or a looser bun in a big clip.

Brunettes can look good in the purple range of colours, from purples to pinks to blues. With lighter hair, lighter, more pastel, colours could be used, and with darker hair, darker colours.
Hair tips for the average brunette are easy: If it's up, do a high or low ponytail, or even pigtails! Remember: If you think you can pull it off, you probably can! If it's down, try straightened or loose waves; usually no curls unless they're pretty tight. For good waves, use a straightener or curler to curl it (with no long lasting spray or gel or conditioner) but leave it like that overnight. In the morning your hair will have that layer of perfection just in between straight and curly! If you don't have a straightener or curler, or are just too lazy ;) you can simply put your hair in a couple braids overnight after washing it. In the morning it will be kinky, but it won't stay in for long unless you use stay-in conditioner or hairspray.

Redheads look pretty good in greens and purples, like blondes, but they edge closer to the red scale. Reds and some oranges can blend in with your hair a bit but the right shade looks great. Even yellows, if toned down enough, can look okay.
Hair is easy: straight. I mean, of COURSE you can wear it in curls or waves, or even up, but the best look is to show off your beautiful hair!

Then there's the dark brown hair that's usually considered black. Try rich colours, like purple, red, or blue.
Hair should usually be kept straight, with bangs or not, but it looks great up as well.

Finally, for the older crowd, grey hair. Use light, nude or pastel colours such as white or beige, as well as some light greens and blues.
Try putting your hair up, with just a few wisps coming down as a frame for your face, or down naturally.

Hope this helps,


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